Cycling routes
Surrounding Cardó going up to the former spa
Circular route including some climbing and a smooth slope. The former Tortosa slaughterhouse is the starting and end point of the route and it is about 99 km.
Leave Tortosa in the direction of Bítem and Tivenys. The route rises approximately 3 km and goes back to Benifallet. From Benifallet on C-12, go to Rasquera on this road that goes up and down.
From there, head towards Cardó old resort. The route rises approximately 10 km and is located at an altitude of 400 meters. Before reaching the old resort, you will have incredible views of the place. Return to Rasquera heading to El Perelló and the N-340 towards l'Ampolla.
Once in l'Ampolla, go in search of Sant Pere ravine. Passing below three bridges, turn left after the last one.
Continue for 500 meters and turn left to take a secondary road that goes below the Cardó-Boix sierra. Jump by the Coll de l'Alba hermitage to go down to Tortosa. This last ascent is at an altitude of about 350 meters. The first meters are flat. Before reaching the Coll de l'Alba hermitage, the last meters gets tougher.