Cycling routes



Experience a scenic 103 km road bike route featuring coastal views, gentle climbs, and stunning landscapes, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.


By the sea and towards the sierra

Round trip by road bike. The former Tortosa slaughterhouse is the starting and end point of the route and it is about 103 km. Past Amposta, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Alcanar, Ulldecona, Godall, La Galera and Mas de Barberans. Some short climbs like the ascent to the hermitage del Remei or the Coll de les Bruixes (Bruixes Pass) in the Godall Sierra.


Leave Tortosa to the pont del Bimil·lenari (Bimillenary bridge) and go over the river to Vinallop and Amposta. Continue on C-12 to Amposta, go through this town and head to Sant Jaume d'Enveja. Leave Amposta to Sant Carles de la Ràpita through the Navigation Channel.
Enter Sant Carles de la Ràpita and turn left on the former N-340. Take N-340 and head to Alcanar, go up to La Moleta del Remei and go down to Ulldecona.

Go through Ulldecona and head to Godall sierra going through the Coll de les Bruixes (Bruixes Pass) to get to Godall. It is a 3km gentle climb. Past Godall and go down to La Galera, to the right the road continues and search for Santa Bàrbara. Go up towards Mas de Barberans. It is a 10km climb until you reach the base of Els Ports.
Get to Mas de Barberans. It is a spot with spectacular views over the olive groves. From here the road goes down to Raval de Crist. Continue towards the pont del Bimil·lenari (Bimillenary bridge). Cross the bridge and enter the city to go back to the starting point of the route.